Traditional medicinal plants for tooth-related problems used by Badagas of Nilgiri district, Tamilnadu, India

  • Sathyavathi R PG Department of Botany, Adhiyaman Arts and Science College for Women , Uthangarai, Tamil Nadu, India
Keywords: Badagas, medicinal plants, tooth problem, conservation, Nilgiris


The entire area of the Blue Mountains constitutes the present district of Nilgiri in Tamil Nadu, India. It was originally a tribal land and was occupied by the Todas, Kotas, Kurumbas, Kattunayakkas and Panyas. Among them, the Badagas are one of the major communities in the district who reside in the mountain for long period as other tribal population. This district weather favors the growth of all type of vegetation. There are many medicinal plants that exist naturally in forest as well as in cultivable areas. These plants are playing vital role in providing medicinal and economic values in the rural areas. Nowadays, due to modernization, many folklore remedies are forgotten. The present study aimed to document such knowledge in Badagas community, Nilgris district, Tamil Nadu, India. The present study has identified eight medicinal plants used for tooth-related problems used by the Badagas of Nilgiri District and recommend their conservation and cultivation for local use and further research.


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How to Cite
R, S. (2021). Traditional medicinal plants for tooth-related problems used by Badagas of Nilgiri district, Tamilnadu, India. Journal of Basic Pharmacology and Toxicology, 5(1), 18-20. Retrieved from
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